Name: Qu
Gender: Female
Species: Dire Rat
Status: Healthy
Energy: 30/30
Rank: common
she seemed to have perfectly recovered after the fight. after that her thoughts grew to a new matter how exactly could she escape from this battle ground. she slowly walked towards the door and latch, eyeing it up and down. she slashed her hand down towards it, it did nothing. soon after she slashed towards it the latch opened to show Yen's eyes looking down at her, the eyes filled with concern. she jumped up to try and reach him but only ended up going half way up the door. Yen's face drew back after seeing her jump, then his face was replaced with a familiar cage most likely harboring an animal of some sorts for her to fight.
she jumped back away from the door not wanting the creature within it to be dropped on her head, she then gave a good look towards the creature to get its stats up:
Name: chest (small)
Species: ???
State: none
Rank: common
Energy: ???
Characteristics: ... its a chest... you can put stuff inside of it for storage... this ones small, fitting in the palm of a hand?
Qu was filled with confusion, the man seemed to be holding it with caution, and yet it was a chest. And one other thing confused Qu... Did her ability to sense a creatures status just give her a description holding sa.s.s?
As she thought over these things the chest was abruptly dropped onto the floor. And then something that sent waves of horror over her happened, the chest suddenly grew spider like legs out of it, it's hatch opened up to reveil a row of teeth that a long slimy tounge sat on top.
Name: small chest mimic
Species: mimic
State: Hungry
Rank: common
Energy: 50/50
Characteristics: mimics survive in this world by mimicking other objects and in doing so are able to lure people into their Jaws
The mimic suddenly started to scuttle towards her, a thick stream of saliva emerging from its mouth.
Qu ran towards it, her dire rat form drawing apon her dream venom ability. As the two approached Qu lashed her claws out towards the mimic, but apon hitting it all of the venom released fell off of it. It seemed that the dream venom was weak towards the mimic or even immune.
In learning this, Qu jumped backwards to get herself away from the mimics Jaws. The moment Qu landed the mimic shot forward with its mouth opened wide ready to try and take a bite out of her.
Qu landed and the mimics waiting Jaws were their with her. A ma.s.sive jolt of pain shot through her. She looked down reveling that the mimic had ripped one of her legs off, Qu quickly retaliated with a flurry of slashes from her claws. Each hit of her claws left small dents in the mimics body, making it howl out in a deafening screech. Qu made good use of this time and shoved her arms down into the mimics open mouth, she then cought her claws onto the rim of its mouth and proceeded to pull against the Jaws. This amount of force caused the Jaws of the creature to start to creak and one by one the tendants in the mimics mouth began to snap, then huge amounts of muscle started to tear in two as Qu used all her strength on trying to rip this monsters Jaws open. And then with one final bolt of strength, the resistance from the mimic fell still and Qu was rewarded with a shower of blood. She then quickly absorbed the mimics body before anything else would attempt to kill her. As she ate it up, she also found the chunk of ooz that the creature ripped out, she grabbed this and plastered it back onto her body making it form into a rough dire rat leg.
She then moved towards the mimic ready to absorb it. But the moment she approached the mimic she could hear a load smash of feet, then the hatch of her door was quickly opened to show the eyes of the man, them showing a genuine fear. Then the door was swung open and the man ran towards the mimic corpse, then continued to scoop it up and rush it out of the room.
Yen watched as the dire rat tore open the mimic with a big burst of strength. It was horrific. But then a though flashed through his mind, and that was if the ooz was to get to the mimic then it would most likely find a way to replicate the mimics ability to hide as inanimate objects, making his containment of it a great deal harder. So he rushed into the room and grabbed the corpse before the creature could get to it.
Qu wanted to escape, all her life had become was a fight. But why should she want that? Its her life so its her rules. And with that determination in her body, she ran towards the door and started to claw at it, sadly it was just leaving scratch marks. By the time she gave up her body ached and the door was filled with long scratches. And above that door were the dreamy eyes of the man. Qu wanted to get out of here and join him so that they could be happy together, but a blasted door was keeping them apart. Qu needed to get out, she just had to. So she sat still and thought about how she could get out and then it hit her, the hatch!
If she timed it right then she would be able to escape if she jumped through the hatch. And with that she started to work through the night, making dents in the door to be used as finger holes and feet holes.
If she got this right then she could be with that beautiful man, and she was sure he wanted to be with her.
Yen sat in a big leather chair in his study and opened up a bottle of wine for himself. As he sat at his desk swirling the gla.s.s a quick thought jumped into his mind... 'I hate that creature'.