I hadn’t planned to go so far, but once I found myself already in the outer towns of Green Haven, I breathed out a large breath of air. It was one of the places that I had stopped at on the way out of Green Haven, when I had been poisoned, and it hadn’t changed very much at all since I had last been here. Having spent nearly two days to get here, I had used up half of my spiritual essence and decided to stay here for now.
I noticed Naruto coming out from my clothes and shake his body, his claws digging into me while he was at it.
Having jumped of that mountain, Naruto had taken to going into my clothes a lot more often now. Seeing this, I guessed that it was because he had been quite scared. Every time I had stopped to eat and sleep, Naruto would come out, but otherwise, he hid himself since that time…
I swiped him off me with my hand, and he fell off, but he still landed on his feet. “Arf!”
I looked at him and shook my head, “Should have…”
My words were interrupted by somebody appearing and pus.h.i.+ng me against a close by tree, holding their hands to my throat, “Who are you!?”
I put my hands up, to try and help release myself from the person’s grip, but I wasn’t strong enough. I was struggling to keep my eyes opened and couldn’t take a breath in or out. The suddenness of it had made me forget about my cultivation base for a moment, as I had to also endure against the pain that happened, due to slamming into the tree.
Finally sensing myself in somewhat of a dire situation, I tried to focus and teleported away.
When I found myself a few metres away, I coughed and fell to the ground.
Seeing someone turn to my cough, the person already went charging towards me, so I teleported again.
“Na…Naruto!” I tried to yell, yet it came out as a near whisper. That grip from being around my throat, had been really tight!
Naruto went to race towards me, but the person went to block the path between us, “Who are you!?”
I coughed again, but stood up and my eyes glowed more of a brilliant red, then it did before. Looking at the person in front of me, I see that they held out a sword towards me.
They aren’t letting us go? Fine! Let’s play!
I wasn’t scared at all…It was a strange sensation to feel in this circ.u.mstance, but all I could feel, was that I had some anger pent up inside me and that this situation seemed perfect to use it!
Finally seeing my eyes…That person stopped in astonishment…
I let out a chuckle and got out both of my swords. Taking them both within my hands, I get into a battle stance…To finally set my eyes upon the other person.
Nearly dropping my swords in complete astonishment, this person’s eyes were golden!
They glowed so magically and above normal, I was indeed put into a state of shock!
Pretty! So pretty! Magical…So…Beautiful!
The person suddenly charged at me and, somehow, I got my bearings and clashed my two swords against theirs. Finding their power was quite immense, as I was being pushed back, gave me all that much more want to see if I could take them on!
Seeing that I needed to focus, I remembered my battles with the higher ranked beasts and thoroughly continued to defend against their strong attacks. The problem was…This person, was at least two or three levels above myself.
As I defended, my wrists hurt and many times I nearly dropped my swords, because they were hit so hard!
For some reason, though, I was really happy! Having gone against only beasts till now, this was my first real skirmish and I was elated! My eyes grew slightly brighter, with excitement, as I endured and started to think on how to defeat my opponent.
With this person’s strength, I was sure that I would not defeat them with my own.
In that case…I used my first strategy of speed!
Dodging as often as possible, I struck at him many times and even used their own attacks against themselves…But I was not fast enough. Strangely, as we continued, both of us became somewhat…Too involved…