Vol. II.: pp. 420 + Indice, p. [421].
Don Juan/ Af/ Lord Byron./ Forsta Sngen./ Med upplysande och utwalde Noter./ ofversatt ifrn Engelska Originalet./ Stockholm,/ Nordstromska Boktryckeriet,/ 1838./ [8.
Pp. 80.
Don Juan/ Af/ Lord Byron./ Forra Delen./ Sngerna I-VI./ Stockholm,/ J.L. Brudins Forlag. [1857.] [8.
Vol. I.: pp. 349.
Vol. II.: [Sednare Delen. Sngerna VII.-XVI.--1862], pp. 384.
_Note_.--This edition ("ofversattning Af Carl. Wilh. Aug. Strandberg") was issued in paper covers with vignette portrait of Lord Byron.
_English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers_.
The/ British Bards,/ A Satire./ [1808.] [4.
No t.i.tle-page. Pp. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 [pp. 17, 18, 19, 20, proof-sheets of 84 lines:--(line 1), "Health to Immortal Jeffrey! once in name;"--(line 84), "Her son, and vanish'd in a Scottish mist" + p. 21, proof-sheet uniform with pp. 1-16, of 20 lines:--(line 1), "Ill.u.s.trious Holland! hard would be his lot;"--(line 20), "Reforms each error, and refines the whole"], pp. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.
Signature C is at the foot of p. 5; D, p. 9; E, p. 13; G, p. 21; H, p.
Pp. 1-16 contain 284 lines: (line 1), "Time was, e'er yet in these degenerate days;" (line 284), "Of Jefferies! monarch of the Scourge and, chain." (Lines 281-284 are erased.)
Pp. 19-29 contain 200 lines: (line 1), "Now to the drama turn, oh!
motley sight;" (line 200), "And urge thy bards, to gain a name like thine." The last line of p. 29 is numbered 520, and the date 1808 is subscribed.
_Note_.--The page measures 278 X 218. The water-mark on the last page (p. 29) is 1807; the water-mark on the original wrapper, "J.W. & B.B.
1806." A wrapper of the original sheets is inscribed, "This is the original Satire which L^d B. put into my hands. It was printed in the Country, where he had been staying. He added 110 lines before it was published. R.C.D." (_B.M._, E.G. 2028.)
English Bards,/ And/ Scotch Reviewers./ A Satire./ I had rather be a kitten, and cry, mew!/ Than one of these same metre ballad-mongers./ Shakspeare./ Such shameless Bards we have; and yet 'tis true,/ There are as mad, abandon'd Critics too./ Pope./ London:/ Printed for James Cawthorn, British Library,/ No. 24, c.o.c.kspur Street./ [1809.] [12.
Half-t.i.tle, one leaf, pp. i., ii.; t.i.tle (R. _T. Collins, Printer, No.
1, Harvey's Buildings, Strand_), pp. iii., iv.; Preface, pp. v., vi.; Text (696 lines), pp. 1-54. The Imprint (_T. Collins, Printer, Harvey's Buildings, Strand_) is at the foot of p. 54.
_Note_.--The words "Scotch Reviewers" on the t.i.tle are in Gothic characters. Facsimile of the t.i.tle-page faces p. xiv. of _Poetical Works_, 1898, vol. i.
English Bards,/ And/ Scotch Reviewers;/ A Satire./ By/ Lord Byron./ I had rather be a kitten, and cry, mew!/ Than one of these same metre ballad-mongers./ Shakspeare./ Such shameless Bards we have; and yet 'tis true,/ There are as mad, abandon'd Critics too./ Pope./ Second Edition,/ With/ Considerable Additions and Alterations./ London:/ Printed for James Cawthorn, British Library, No. 24,/ c.o.c.kspur Street./ 1809./ [8.
Half-t.i.tle, one leaf, pp. i., ii.; t.i.tle (R. _Printed by Deans & Co.
Hart-Streeet, Covent Garden_./), pp. iii., iv.; Preface to the Second Edition, pp. v.-vii.; Text (1050 lines), pp. 1-82; Postscript, pp.
83-85. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. 85. The Advt. (_In the Press,/ And speedily will be published_,/ HENRY COUNT DE KOLINSKY, a Polish Tale./) is in the centre of p. [86].
_Note_.--The words "A Satire" on the t.i.tle, and the words "Scotch Reviewers" on the Half-t.i.tle, are in Gothic characters.
English Bards,/ And/ Scotch Reviewers;/ A Satire./ By/ Lord Byron./ I had rather be a kitten, and cry, mew!/ Than one of these same metre ballad-mongers./ Shakspeare./ Such shameless Bards we have; and yet 'tis true,/ There are as mad, abandon'd Critics too./ Pope./ Third Edition./ London:/ Printed for James Cawthorn, British Library, No. 24,/ c.o.c.kspur Street./ 1810./ [8.
Half-t.i.tle, one leaf, pp. i., ii.; t.i.tle (R. Printed by _T. Collins, Harvey's Buildings, Strand, London_.), pp. iii., iv.; Preface to the Third Edition, pp. v.-vii.; Text (1050 lines), pp. 1-82; Postscript, pp.
83-85 + Advt. of "Books Published by James Cawthorn," etc., pp.
[86]-[88]. The Imprint (_Printed by T. Collins, No. 1, Harvey's Buildings, Strand, London_.) is at the foot of p.[88].
_Note_.--The Advt. of "The British Circulating Library, 24 c.o.c.kspur Street," etc., is dated March 30, 1810. The words "A Satire" and "London" on the t.i.tle, and the words "English Bards" on Half-t.i.tle, are in Gothic characters.
English Bards,/ And/ Scotch Reviewers;/ A Satire./ By/ Lord Byron./ I had rather be a kitten, and cry, mew!/ Than one of these same metre ballad-mongers./ Shakspeare./ Such shameless Bards we have; and yet 'tis true,/ There are as mad, abandon'd Critics too./ Pope./ Fourth Edition./ London:/ Printed for James Cawthorn, British Library, No. 24,/ c.o.c.kspur Street./ 1810./ [8.
Half-t.i.tle, one leaf, pp. i., ii.; t.i.tle (R._Printed by T. Collins, Harvey's Buildings, Strand, London_.), pp. iii., iv.; Preface to the Third Edition, pp. v.-vii.; Text (1050 lines), pp. 1-82; Postscript, pp.
83-85 + "Books Published by James Cawthorn," etc., pp.[86]-[88]. The Imprint (_Printed by T. Collins, No. 1, Harvey's Buildings, Strand, London_) is at the foot of p.[88].
_Note_.--The Advt. of the "British Circulating Library, 24, c.o.c.kspur Street," etc., is dated March 30, 1810. The words "Satire" and "London"
on the t.i.tle, and the words "English Bards" on the Half-t.i.tle, are in Gothic characters.
English Bards,/ And/ Scotch Reviewers;/ A Satire./ By/ Lord Byron./ I had rather be a kitten, and cry, mew!/ Than one of these same metre ballad-mongers./ _Shakespeare_/ Such shameless Bards we have; and yet 'tis true,/ There are as mad, abandon'd Critics too./ Pope./ Fourth Edition./ London:/ Printed for James Cawthorn, British Library, No. 24,/ c.o.c.kspur Street; and Sharpe and Hailes, Piccadilly./ 1811./ [8.