Pp. 750. Double columns.
_Note_.--Part of "Routledge's Popular Library." The Front. is an ill.u.s.t.
of _Childe Harold_, Canto III. stanza xxi., and the t.i.tle-vignette, "Newstead Abbey."
_The Poetical Works_, etc. New York: John W. Lovell, Company, 50, Worth Street, Corner Mission Place. 1890? [8.
Pp. ii. + 544. [Kolbing.]
The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ With Original and Additional Notes./ In Twelve Volumes./ Vol. I. [Vol. II., etc.] Hours of Idleness./ English Bards and Scotch Reviewers./ Griffith Farran Okeden & Welsh/ Newbery House, Charing Cross Road/ London, and Sydney./ [1891.] [8.
_Note_.--This edition (The "Bijou Byron") is a reissue of _The Poetical Works_, etc., published by Suttaby and Co. (No. xcv.) in 1885.
_The Poetical Works_, etc., Complete Edition. In Three Vols. William W.
Gibbings. London. 1892.
_Note_.--A reprint of the Leipzig edition of 1880, published by F.A.
_Works_. "Bijou Ed." 12 Vols. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Co. 1892.
[Pocket size.
[_Amer. Cat._, 1892.]
_Dramatic and Poetical Works_. "Newstead Ed." Philadelphia, D. McKay.
1895. [8.
[_Amer. Cat._, 1895.]
Pp. 720.
Oxford Miniature Byron/ The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron/ In Four Volumes--Vol. I./ London/ Henry Frowde/ Oxford University Press Warehouse/ Amen Corner, E.C./ New York: 91 and 93, Fifth Avenue/ 1896/ [16.
_Note_.--"We are indebted to the courtesy of Mr. John Murray, publisher of the edition of 1867, for permission to use any copyright matter contained in that issue."--_Publisher's Advt._
The Poetical/ Works of/ Lord/ Byron/ London/ Bliss/ Sands & Co/ XII.
Burl-/ Eigh St./ Strand/ W.C./ [1897] [4.
Pp. xvi + 727.
_Note_.--This edition forms part of "The Apollo Poets." The Front., "Lord Byron," is a _Lamerciergravure_, printed in Paris, of the portrait by T. Phillips, R.A.
_Poetical Works_, etc. New Edition, carefully revised. With ill.u.s.trations. W.P. Nimmo. 1897. [8.
[_English Catalogue_, 1898.]
_Note_.--Part of the "Edinburgh Library of Standard Authors."
_Poetical Works_. (Ed. by T. Moore.) In four volumes. Philadelphia, J.B.
Lippincott Co. 1897. [12.
[_Amer. Cat._, 1898.]
_The Poetical Works_, etc. With Notes, and a memoir of the author.
Pictorial Edition. London: George Henny & Co., Bartholomew Close.
Pp. cliv. + 344.
_The Poetical Works_, etc. With explanatory notes and a life of the author, by Thomas Moore. Ill.u.s.trated with numerous fine steel engravings, embracing the princ.i.p.al female characters, landscape and historical subjects. First quarto edition complete in [? one] volume.
New York: Johnson, Fry and Company, 27 Beekman Street. _n.d._ [4.
Pp. ii. + 740 + xxviii.