_The Poetical Works_, etc., complete in one Vol. Collected and arranged, with ill.u.s.trative notes by Thomas Moore, etc., ... Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1878. [8.
Pp. 829.
_Note_.--A reproduction of Murray's Edition of 1855. [Kolbing.]
The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ Edited, With a Critical Memoir,/ By/ William Michael Rossetti./ Ill.u.s.trated by/ Thomas Seccombe./ London:/ Ward, Lock, & Co., Warwick House,/ Dorset Buildings, Salisbury Square, E.C./ [1880.] [8.
Pp. xx. + 604.
_Note_.--Part of "Moxon's Popular Poets." This edition does not contain _Hints from Horace_, _Francesca of Rimini_, or the Occasional Pieces first collected in the editions of 1831, 1832-1833. The Prefatory Note is by W.M. Rossetti. Double columns bordered with red lines. The same edition, bordered with different red lines and printed on large paper, was issued in 1881.
The Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ Reprinted from the Original Editions,/ With Life, Explanatory Notes, etc./ London:/ Frederick Warne and Co.,/ Bedford Street, Strand./ [1881.] [8.
Pp. xvi. + 720.
_Note_.--"This edition (known as 'The Albion Edition') contains the whole of Byron's Poems and Dramas, with his Original Notes."--_Publisher's Preface_. The Albion Edition was reissued by Warne and Co. in 1897.
The Complete/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron/ With an Introductory Memoir/ By/ William B. Scott/ London/ George Routledge and Sons/ Broadway, Ludgate Hill/ New York: 9, Lafayette Place/ 1883/ [8.
Pp. 750.
The Front. is the portrait of Lord Byron by G. Sanders; the vignette on t.i.tle-page is "Newstead Abbey."
_Note_.--This edition (double column), which includes all poems published in the one-volume edition of 1837 (No. li.), was reissued in three volumes, 1883, 1886, 1887. Each volume concludes with an Index of First Lines.
The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ With Life./ Engravings on Steel./ Gall & Inglis./ Edinburgh:/ Bernard Terrace./ London:/ 25 Paternoster Sq^r. / [1881.] [8.
Pp. xviii. + 576.
_Note_.--This edition, which repeats the order and contents of that issued by Gall and Inglis in 1857 (No. lxxi.), adds the Fourth Canto of _Childe Harold's, etc._, _Mazeppa_, and the _Ode on Venice_. Coloured vignette-borders.
The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ With Original and Additional Notes./ In Twelve Volumes./ Vol. I./ [Vol. II., etc.] Hours of Idleness./ English Bards and Scotch Reviewers./ London:/ Suttaby and Co., Amen Corner./ New York:/ Scribner and Welford./ 1885./ [8.
_Note_.--This edition includes all poems contained in the edition of 1837, but omits the prose pieces.
_The Poetical Works_, etc. Complete in one vol. Collected and arranged with ill.u.s.trative notes by Thomas Moore, etc. New York: P.F. Collier.
Pp. viii. + 820. [Kolbing.]
The Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ Edited by/ Mathilde Blind./ Miscellaneous Poems./ London:/ Walter Scott, 24, Warwick Lane, E.G./ and Newcastle-on-Tyne./ 1886./ [16.
Pp. xxviii. + 280.
_Note_.--Part of the "Canterbury Poets." This volume contains _Introductory Notice_ by Mathilde Blind, pp. vii.-xxviii.; "Miscellaneous Poems" (including _Vision of Judgment_, _Manfred_, _Cain_, etc.), pp. 1-280.
The Poetical Works/ etc. Edited by/ Mathilde Blind./ Childe Harold./ Don Juan./ London, etc./ 1886./ [16.
Pp. 1-369.
_Note_.--These volumes (Nos. xcvii., xcviii.) were issued separately.
Red line-borders.
_The Life and Works of_, etc., With Notes and Ill.u.s.trations. ["Centenary Edition."] In Two Volumes. Thomas C. Jack, London, Edinb. and Glasgow.
The Complete/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron/ With an Introductory Memoir/ By/ William B. Scott/ London/ George Routledge and Sons, Limited/ Broadway, Ludgate Hill/ Glasgow, Manchester, and New York/ 1890/ [8.