And shows, (-dissolved in thine own tears-).
still whimpering through threescore years.
(-Whether in sighing-winds thou seek'st relief,-) (-Or consolation in a yellow leaf.-) Whether in equal strains thou vent'st thy grief O'er falling Empires or a yellow leaf.
[The Murray copy gives no emendation. The Fifth Edition adopts the first correction, but, for the variant in lines 327, 328, reads--
Whether thou sing'st with equal ease and grief The fall of Empires or a yellow leaf.]
Line 336. All love thy (-strain-) rhyme
Line 385. Fresh fish from (-Helicon-) Hippocrene
[The Murray copy adds a note: "The Fifth Edition reads Hippocrene."]
Lines 387, 388.
(-Too much in turtle Bristol's sons delight,-) (-Too much o'er bowls of Rack prolong the night.-) Your turtle-feeder's verse must needs be flat, Though Bristol bloat him with the verdant fat.
[The Murray copy does not contain this emendation, which was adopted in the Fifth Edition.
P. 36 _n._ The Hunt copy gives in MS. the note concerning Moore--"I am informed," etc.--which is printed in the Fifth Edition. There is no similar annotation in the Murray copy.
Line 502. For (-"ranks ill.u.s.trious"-) both annotated copies read "oat-fed phalanx."]
Lines 532, 533.
And grateful (-to the founder of the feast,-) Declare his landlord (-can translate, at least.-) And grateful for the dainties on his plate, Declare his landlord can at least translate.
[The amended lines, which appeared in the Fifth Edition, are not in the Murray copy.]
Lines 552, 553.
While Kenny's World (-just suffered to proceed,-) (-Proclaims the audience very kind indeed.-) While Kenny's World--ah where is Kenny's wit?
listless Tires the sad Gallery--lulls the (-listening-) pit.
[The emendation is given in both annotated copies; but the subst.i.tution of "listless" for "listening," which is adopted in the Fifth Edition, does not appear in the Murray copy,]
Line 563. Let Comedy (-re-)sume a.s.s
[The correction is not given in the Murray copy.]
Line 569. and (-Kemble-) lives to tread.
[The subst.i.tution of "Siddons" for "Kemble," which dates from the Fifth Edition, is not given in the Murray copy.]
Line 728.
Want your (-defence-), let Pity be your screen plea Want is your plea, let Pity be your screen.
Lines 815, 816.
The spoiler (-came; and all thy promise fair-) (-Has sought the grave, to sleep for ever there.-) The Spoiler swept that soaring Lyre away, Which she had sounded an immortal lay.
[The emendation appears in both the annotated copies.]
L. 903. Let Moore (-be lewd-) still sigh
[This emendation does not appear in the Murray copy, but the words ["be lewd"] have been underscored with a pencil, and a X placed against them.]
Line 946.
(-And even spurns the great Scatonian prize.-) Even from the tempting ore of Seaton's prize.
[This emendation is given in both the annotated copies.]
Lines 965, 966.
So sunk in dullness (-and so lost in shame-) (-That SMYTHE and HODGSON scarce redeem thy fame.-) So sunk in dullness that nor Hodgson's verse Can make thee better--nor poor Hewson's worse.
[This emendation is not in the Murray copy. The Fifth Edition adopts the further correction, "So lost to Phoebus" for "So sunk in dullness."]
Line 969. (-"is-) wove, she wove.
[This correction is not in the Murray copy.]
Line 972. ----(-justly praise-) their sires.
----glory in their sires.
[This emendation is not given in the Murray copy.
The Leigh Hunt copy gives twenty MS. emendations (besides "Death" for "death," in line 820, and the alteration of "rapid" to "rabid" in the note on Hewson Clarke, line 962) including the note on Moore. The Murray copy gives nine MS. emendations, of which six are identical with those in the Hunt copy. Three emendations are peculiar to the Murray copy--]
(1) Lines 303-306.
Behold!--ye tarts! etc. (_vide ante_, p. 309).
(2) Line 614. (-Raise-) not your scythe.
Whet not your scythe.
(3) Line 661. ----"(-a Paget-) for your wife.
----two Pagets for your wife.