Earle. 1814. [8.
[Catalogue of Library of Congress, 1880.]
Pp. 11.
_Note_.--The _Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte_ was also published at Boston, 1814, 8, pp. 13; and at New York, 1814, 8, pp. 13.
_Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte_. Sixth Edition. London. 1814. [8.
[Cat. of Manchester Free Library, 1864.]
Pp. 17.
_Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte_. Ninth Edition. London, M. 1814. [8.
[Library of the University, St. Andrews, N.B.]
Pp. 17.
Ode/ To/ Napoleon Buonaparte./ By Lord Byron./ etc./ Twelfth Edition./ London:/ Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1816./ [8.
Half-t.i.tle (Ode, etc.) (_R.T. Davison, Lombard-street,/ Whitefriars, London_./), pp. 1, 2; t.i.tle, one leaf, pp. 3, 4; Note, pp. 5, 6; Second Half-t.i.tle, pp. 7, 8; Text (xvi. stanzas), pp. 9-17 + Advt. of books "By the Right Hon. Lord Byron," p. [19]. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. [19].
Ode,/ etc./ Thirteenth Edition./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1818./ [8.
_Vide supra_, No. i.
_Translation of the Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte_.
_Odas a Napoleon_. Por Lord Byron. Imp. de Decourchant, a Paris. 1829. A Paris, rue du Temple, n. 69. [18.
[_Bibl. de la France_, October 17, 1829.]
[For First Edition of _Parisina_, _vide infra_, _The Siege of Corinth_, No. i.]
Parisina./ Af/ Lord Byron./ ofversattning. [Af Talis Qualis.] Stockholm, J.W. Brudins Forlag. [1854.] [8.
Pp. 36. No. 4 of "Byron's Poetiska Berattelser."
Adolphe Krafft/ Parisina/ Poeme/ de Lord Byron/ et fragment de/ Nicolas de Ferrare/ Drame/ Tire des doc.u.ments historiques/ Avec commentates et notices./ Paris/ Ernest Leroux, editeur/ 28, rue Bonaparte, 28/ 1900 Tous droits reserves./ [8.
Pp. xiv. + 55 + Errata, p. [57] + Table des Matieres, p. [59].
_Note_.--The Text of _Parisina_ is on pp. 8-26.
Gedichte/ von/ Jacob Vinc. Cirkel./ Mit ubersetzungen/ von W. Scott's Feld von Waterloo und Byrons/ Parisina etc./ Munster,/ in Commission der Coppenrathschen Buch-und Kunsthandlung./ 1825./ [8.
_Collation_--Pp. 159. The Imprint (_Munster, gedruckt mit Coppenrathschen Schriften_) is on p. [160].
_Note_.--The Text of _Parisina, etc._, is on pp. 127-156.
Parisina/ Poema/ di/ Lord Byron/ Traduzione italiana in versi./ Milano/ Da Placido Maria Visaj/ Stampatore-Librajo nei Tre Re/ 1821./ [8.