Chapter 10.5 – Secret Story – a.s.sembling Party Part 4 Side A
Going back to the guild, from the total loot we collected, I submit some goblin leader subjugation proof to the guild. With that submission, our mission is now completed and thanks to that, our party and Nameless party both ranked up into rank E.
But because we report the guild about the fact that the other two guys run away in the middle of the mission, they both failed to clear the requirement for raising their rank and stay at rank F. It means that Nameless and Hilmelda clear the requirement to rank up to rank E personally. When it become like this, partying up with people who have different rank won’t give much merit except there are special circ.u.mstances. So it means that the dissolving of their party is inevitable.
Monica-neechan then asked Nameless and Hilmelda the bar name where they planned to go. I remember the bar name. it was named [The Red Rose Pavilion].
After we done today job, we send Wendy back to her lodge, I then get escorted back to my house by Monica-neechan. When dusk comes, Mrs. Elena comes to my house bringing two kids with her.
“I’m sorry Remilia, it must be difficult right? But with this, I’m sure that I can satisfy my costumer”
Mrs. Elena checks out the cloth that mom weaved, and then pays it. Two gold coins, with that much, we can live without worry for the next month. Mizelle had other weaver but Mrs. Elena regarded highly in my mother ability so she’s been prioritizing my mom for doing any important order that she received.
“Thank you as always Elena. And it is also good to see your kids healthy like this”
“Good afternoon Mrs. Remilia”
“Good afternoon”
Mrs. Elena’s son and daughter…… it’s my first time meeting them. I heard that their names are Ash and Stella. Ash, that seems to inherit his mother black hair, is a quiet looking boy while Stella had her light chestnut-colored hair swayed beautifully by the wind. She is still three years old but her beauty has started to develop well. She would grow into an elegant lady in the future. Seeing her lovely figure as she bows while holding the hem of her skirt, mom’s starts to smiles widely.
“You two really are well mannered as usual. Ah, hey Hiroto! Goodness this kid. Please forgive him, he is just a little bit shy towards strangers”
“No, I was also a timid boy before. I think it can’t be helped if it was the first time. But I will be happy if we could get along gradually”
“I, don’t really, because he is a boy……”
(The older brother is really well mannered and seems to be quite matured mentally. But the little sister seems to be hard to approach…… I-I’m getting nervous……)
I also look at them from behind my mom’s cover but I can’t always keep on hiding like this so I steeled my mind and walk out. Ash smiles with a smile that may charm all big sister in the world while Stella only turn her face to the side.
“This girl is kinda bad with boys. There is a boy named Deen in the neighbor and that boy is quite blunt so it might affect her a bit. But he is not a bad boy I guess”
“Boys doesn’t treat dolls carefully so I hate them”
The boy named Deen seems to be older than me. U-mu, from what I hear about him, it doesn’t seems like we could be friends…… no thinking with prejudice like this without meeting the concerned person is a bad habit. If I try to talk to him, he might be, in fact a good guy instead.
“Hey, will you be rough when treating dolls?”
“N-no…… I won’t. Things that people treasures… should be handled with care… I think”
“Hiroto is still soo small yet already speaking fluently like that. I am surprised”
“Ash also a quick speaker himself but I think he wasn’t as fluent as Hiroto when he was at Hiroto’s age. Although Stella is a quick learner comparable to Hiroto when it comes to talking”
“I’m the one who learnt to speak faster right mom? Hiroto is still a small kid so you don’t really need to talk that much okay? Do you understand?”
(She is... what do you call it? precocious or something? Anyway I don’t really hate this kind of haughty little princess. In fact, I had a thing for them… Well this is not the right time for that)
“Yes, I understand. Please teach me a lot Stella-oneechan“
“…… I don’t wanna. Boys don’t play house with me. They always runs around on the outside and left me behind”
“Play house? I never play ‘playing house’ before. I want to try playing ‘playing house’”
“Really? You don’t know what playing house is?”
“Stella, why don’t you teach him to play ‘playing house’? Isn’t there another little girl in the neighborhood right? Once you teach him how to play, the three of you can play it together”
(Playing house with Riona and Stella……Is that the soo called winner in life 「Riajuu」 in my previous world? Well, rather than thinking about that, will I be able to play ‘playing house’?)
Looking that I was seriously worrying about something, Ash suddenly approaches me and extends his hand to me.
“Hiroto, would you like to be my friend? Deen is also my friend but Stella seems to be angry if I only play with him only. So if Hiroto becomes my friend then we can alternate playing with each other”
“…… I hate boys. But I don’t really hate Hiroto. The other boys are mean but Hiroto seems kind. And he is still small. So I think it’s alright”
(Teacher Stella, I want to play ‘playing house’!…… If I were to say such things then her impression to me that started well might hit rock bottom in an instant)
For a moment there, I was a little bit conceited and think that grasping a children heart is easy. But I realize that I was wrong. From the moment I put my calculation when trying to get close to them, in that moment I have already failed. The best approach when trying to befriend a small kid is by being one yourself. That is the iron rule.
But then again…… Even if she is just 2 years older than me and the sum of that is not that high, I can vividly feel this ‘older sister aura’ kind of feeling from her. I only feel this kind of feeling when come in contact with an older woman in my previous life. This Stella must be really mature inside regardless of her outward appearance.
“Hey Hiroto, do you like books? I can read a book you know?”
“Stella really loves books doesn’t she? She even already can read simple picture books……”
“Mom! Please don’t say unnecessary things! Stella also can already read those hard to read books! Stella can read more books than onii-chan!”
“Haha that is right, Stella really is a smart girl. She can even read the book that I currently read”
Ash is acting like how an older brother supposed to be and pacifying his sister sudden fit. Sibling eh… How it was for me I wonder…… My parents always say to me that I always take care of my little brother when we were small. I only had a younger brother so looking at someone with a younger sister like this is quite refres.h.i.+ng… but at the same time, I also kinda get jealous by it. Hina was a single child. I remember her always complaining about wanting an older brother or sister… What does my younger brother think about this matter I wonder?
While I was deep in my thought, Stella focused her gaze toward me. She kinda seems embarra.s.sed by something. She fidgets around like wanting to say something but is too embarra.s.sed to say it.
“I am older than Hiroto so I will teach you a lot of things okay? Do you understand?”
“Y-yes, I understand”
“Okay okay. For such an honest kid I will reward you with a pat in the head. Mom always reward me with a pat in the head whenever I do something good”
“Stella that girl. Suddenly getting a new little brother makes her happy it seems. Remilia, how about letting them play by themselves?”
“Yes of course. Ash, you should also play together with them. Please take care of them both okay?”
“Yes Mrs. Remilia. Hiroto, let’s play!”
At first, Ash personality is too much of a good kid that I kinda suspect that he is just acting to be one. But after I play with him for a while, I conclude that he really is a good kid from heart.
He never gets mad no matter how spoiled his little sister acts. He also quite smart and could already learn more advanced things but he still lower himself to match with us that is younger from him. He smiles brightly while listening to Stella when she read aloud a simple picture book while saying things like ‘the story is interesting right?’ or even praising Stella for reading the book while still keeping his refres.h.i.+ng smile blooms.
“Hiroto, could you call me with just Ash?”
“No, I will call you Ash-nii”
“Ahaha…… that was a bit embarra.s.sing. Listen Stella, Hiroto is calling me Ash-nii you know?”
“…… Then what about me? I am older than you so you should call me oneechan or I won’t listen to you”
“Okay, I will call you Stella-nee then. Can I?”
“That’s alright”
Stella answers clearly without any hesitation but a moment later she quickly moves to the corner of the room. In there, I can hear her starts mumbling something with a low voice.
• ≪Stella≫whispers. “Stella-nee…… Ehehe. Hiroto act just like my real little brother. He is soo cute”
(Ugh that makes me embarra.s.sed…… She must done that so that I won’t be able to hear her but too bad I can see it clearly in the log)
“Eh? Hiroto, what happened? Your face suddenly got reddens like that…… Are you alright? Should I call your mother?”
“N-No need. I’m alright. I just feel a bit hot that’s it”
“Is it hot? Hiroto, do you want to drink some water? Wait for a bit okay”
Without waiting for my reply, Stella had already runs out from the room. Just how happy is she just from me calling her Stella-nee?
“Stella is a good girl at heart you know Hiroto, don’t be reserved and let her spoil you like she is your real older sister. I think Stella would also be happy if you did”
“Okay. Thanks Ash-nii”
I was worried whether I can befriend with kids my peer but it looks like if it was with these two siblings, I don’t really need to worry much. I secretly thank Mrs. Elena in my heart for bringing them here and also to the two siblings for being so friendly with me.
One thing that I’ve been worrying since being born has now disappeared. In my previous live, having a normal conversation with someone else is already a miracle like happening. But now, thanks to the negotiation skill, I can normally speak to other people without any difficulties. Knowing what I should say and what I shouldn’t say really relieves my heart from worrying too much. It might be weird to be dependent to a skill like this but rather than hurting other people by saying things I don’t meant and make me an outcast in the end, this is much, much better.
“Just before, mom had said something bad about Deen but he is not a bad kid. I a.s.sure you that. He just had his own reasons to act like that. He might seem unfriendly and looks angry but if you are with me, I think he will be willing to play together you know?”
“Okay. I will also do my best to befriend him”
So I say but that must be difficult in reality right?...... I kinda have this bad premonition toward this Deen. Anyway as long as I don’t understand what his ‘reasons’ are, Understanding him would definitely be difficult.
But because it was Ash-nii that recommend it, I want to avoid being in bad terms with him. While drinking the water that Stella-nee brings to me, I lost myself thinking how I should get close to these two siblings.
That night, because Mrs. Elena’s husband is not present at their house, Mrs. Elena and her children ended up staying for the night in my house. Dad returns at dusk so all of us had a dinner together afterwards. The adults enjoy their dinner while drinking a fruit cider so dinner becomes quite lively.
“Ah thank G.o.d you are here Remilia. Because of you I was saved. There are other weavers that I am working with but the cloths weaved by you are the best around here… Not only in Mizelle, your cloths are also famous in the capital you know? And that fame already reached to a level where people ask for an order made cloth weaved by you”
“Is that it? So that’s why I got paid more nowadays. I even started to think whether is it fine to receive this much of money for a simple weaving”
“That’s true. Even now, Remilia’s one day working salary is already the same with my ten days working salary…… Well, I am proud with my job as a lumberjack so it’s fine though”
“But in truth, haven’t you consider of wanting to become a himo*? But I won’t allow that you know? You should work properly and let Hiroto grow up while seeing your hard working back”
“Even if you don’t say it I already understand you know? And also Mrs. Elena, don’t you have enough drink already?”
“It’s alright mister. When mom drink alcohol, her words become more refined and she also smiles alot”
“Hey! Don’t tell other people about that. Oh my, this girl is really. She is just too serious just like her father. Well, Ash is also like that though”
Mrs. Elena took the shoulder of her children that sat in her both sides and slowly pulls them closer while smiling. With such a kind mother, it was not weird at all for Ash and Stella to grow up to be a good kid like this.
“Are Suu-chan not going to drink? You will stay here tonight right? It’s alright you know?”
“I am a maid so I don’t really have any interest in drinking alcohol. So please don’t mind me and please enjoy yourselves“
“Today is the last day for Suu to be working here right? Starting next week, other maid will come to fill for her”
“Then there’s more reason for you to drink right? …… Hiroto, what do you think about it?”
“Y-yes…… But, Ms. Suu said that she doesn’t really like alcohol so”
“I thank you for your concern, young master”
That’s right…… Ms. Suu was send here by the guild to work on a set period of time. After the set time fulfilled, she will return to the guild. I already heard about it on the way back after we finished today’s quest.
“Suu coming here had really helped me a lot. She even babysit Hiroto properly”
“Ah, so that’s why you can work all noon without worrying. Remilia really can’t be disturbed when she is working. Her concentration power is too amazing”
“…… Well, that is also one of her charm point that made me fall for her”
“Ricardo, after this there will be punishment okay? You must have too much drink that your speech becomes incomprehensible like this. Such a troublesome daddy you are”
“Why did it come to this…… Ah, that’s right. Mrs. Elena and her children is here tonight… Hiroto, please forgive your weak minded dad…”
“…… Hiroto’s dad is present in the house… I’m jealous”
“Our father keeps on going back and forth from Mizelle to the capital for the business. The most that he can stay is only one day. Because of that……”
“Because he is the one who lead our Padoul Trading Company right? That’s who Mrs. Elena’s husband is. Him being a leader above many of his subordinate is a wonderful thing you know? People will, when they hold an important position like that, became more and more difficult to get away from it”
With what father said, Mrs. Elena slightly smiled. A bit of loneliness are contained within that smile. But when our eyes met, the loneliness that hangs down in her expression is thinned out by a bit.
Maybe by taking care of me had helped her relieved some of that loneliness by a bit…… that kind of thinking my head for a second but it soon gone. What am I thinking? I’m just still a one year old kid. That kind of responsibility is impossible for the current me.
“Hiroto, you must treat your mom and dad with care okay? They are young and talented, even someone like me have to admit that”
“Such praise is too much…… and Mrs. Elena is also not that far off older right?”
Mother Remilia says that while holding her embarra.s.sment from the praise. Mrs. Elena again bring the gla.s.s of fruit cider to her mouth, drinks the content, and say.
”Fuu…… You two are undoubtedly still young. I even sometimes feel jealous for it. For me to receive favor from my husband is something that not usually happen. But for you two… right?”
“N-No… well… Hiroto is still very small anyway… and we are also…”
“Dear, you are too easy. Don’t get too agitated by such talk. Hiroto, it’s nothing okay? Ash and Stella also…… well you guys also won’t understand that anyway”
“What is it? Remilia-oneesan”
“Fufu…… I thought you would call me an aunt (obasan). I feel a bit relieved. I thought everyone who already had children will definitely be called an obasan”
(Well she is still 19 years old…… Mrs. Elena also still far from being an obasan. She is still pa.s.sable to be called oneesan)
Mrs. Elena skin started to flush red. She must’ve gotten quite drunk from the alcohol. Mom who usually doesn’t drink alcohol unusually drinks one tonight. Her white skin is also flushed red. She rarely join dad when drinking alcohol but once she does, she would sleep deeply that she would always wake up late in the next day.
At that time, it was usually Ms. Suu who cooks breakfast. Well, mom also needs a refres.h.i.+ng now and then. Ms. Suu being the maid here really helps a lot…… I also got personally taken care of a lot of time.
“Madam, after the dinner, what should I do about the bathing order?”
“Umm, that’s right…… Mrs. Elena and her children should enter together right? And for Hiroto please take care of him Ms Suu”
“E…….? M-mom, do you mean……”
Such thing had never happened before. When Ms. Suu stay for the night in the house, it was usually because mom is busy with work and don’t have any time to cook breakfast. And every time it happened, Ms. Suu always bathed alone……
(I-is it alright? Such thing… Just when I thought things could end peacefully without me sinking my poisonous fang to Ms. Suu for this to happen)
Well, that was not something that I should say myself but I am indeed had transformed into breast milk sucker demon. Almost every female acquaintance that I know had fallen prey to my poisonous fang. And the one that he wished the most to avoid his poisonous fang is Ms. Suu. In a way, it was his desperate measure to try atoning for his bad karma that he had been sprinkled all over the place since he was born…… but that was only in term of breast suckling category only.
(…… If it was just taking a bath together then it would be alright right?)
It was a thing that is unprecedented in his previous live but in his current live now, he is already familiar, being used enough to have a battle with a woman charming naked body since infant times. Yes this is a battle, a war! Even if I saw naked bodies of a woman, my heart will keep its calm. I’ve been forced to act like a wise man many times before and will do that again now. If I already reacts I a perverted way from the age of one year then I will definitely be recognized as a devil incarnate. Well Pamela already treat me like one though…
“I can help taking care of Hiroto in the bath but my little Stella here is a shy girl so it can’t be helped”
“I-I-I was…… no it’s embarra.s.sing……”
“Ou is that so? But you will go in with your oniichan right?”
“I will enter by myself later so it’s alright. I’m already started taking a bath by myself since I was three so I’m used to it”
Just how much matured you are? Hiroto had the urge to scream that thought out loud but he manages to hold it in. He really amazed with how matured Ash is he even start giving him the t.i.tle of 「Ash the Saint」 in his heart. The Grey Holy Saint As.h.!.+ Just how cool it sounded to the ears.
“I will clean the bathtub afterwards so I will take the last turn. I will start boiling the water now so please wait a bit okay”
“Then I will leave it up to you my Dear. I also feel quite drunk so I will only wipe my body a bit for today. But I will take a proper bath tomorrow”
“How about entering with me for a change? There will be my daughter too but, Stella, you don’t mind being together with Remilia right?”
“Yes, I’m alright. Mrs. Remilia, shall we take a bath?”
“Oh my…… if you said it like that, then how could I refuse”
Mrs. Elena seems wanting to give some reward to mom hard work. Two mature lady being together in the bath… isn’t that indeed quite an elegant spectacle right?
Ash will enter the bath before father Ricardo so the order will be me and Suu-san, mother Remilia with Elena-san and Stella, Ash, then dad will be the last.
In the undressing room, Suu-san who always have braid hairdo for her usual hairstyle casually take off the spherical jewel hair pin that holds down her hair. With the thing holding it up gone, her silky black straight hair can only obey to gravity and fall down. Hiroto never saw Suu-san with this kind of hairstyle before so when he sees it for the first time, he was fascinated by it for quite a while.
And Suu-san herself, while keeping having her usual expressionless face, starts to take off her own clothes starting from her ap.r.o.n and then continued to the black one-piece she wears underneath it. When the clothes that wrap her back laid bare, a tight corset can be seen from underneath which she take off too without any hesitation. How she manages to wear it without being noticed from the outside is a mystery but that’s not the important thing now. The important thing now is that after the corset fastener belt got loosened and naked skin exposed from under it, Suu-san’s breast that usually only half of it upper part was exposed, got completely exposed in front of his eyes now. And she does it without any hesitation as usual. My mind is conflicted between seeing it or not, and in the end just staring at the blank s.p.a.ce ahead.
“Young master, are you embarra.s.sed?”
“A…… N-no. Suu-san, seems to wear such a difficult clothes to wear so I wonder won’t it be troublesome…… ”
“I wear this everyday so I got used with it. And the feeling of freedom that I feel when taking it off is quite addicting”
Suu-san grabs a towel and cover her breast and waist part then she starts undressing me. When I got completely stark naked, I kinda want to say ‘please be gentle, it’s my first’, but seeing her usual calm and composed manner made me hesitated to say it.
Suu-san then wash my body carefully, and in the end pour warm water on me. When I look back at her, a rare happening occurred. Suu-san is smiling.
“Suu-san, you are smiling…… Is some happy thing happened? ”
“Ah forgive me young master. Looking at you remind me of my younger brother. He is still an infant just like you. I also take care of him in bath like this. But when I try to wash his hair, he will always flail around and won’t sit still. He is older than young master but compared to young master, he is still a spoiled little kid and always give trouble to others”
“Is that so…… Suu-san… can I wash your back?”
“Oh my…… having young master do such thing is unacceptable”
“Because today is the last day so… I want to give my appreciation… Because Suu-san always listens to my wish…… and always help a lot around the house. Even mom felt thankful because Suu-san is here helping her. That’s why……”
Suu-san hesitated for a moment but hearing my explanation, she gives me a smile. And with that, she grabs the towel that wraps her body and exposes her naked body in front of my eyes.
Purun~. With such a licentious sound effects, those twin mountain that is as white as snow appear before my eyes. Two striking vivid pink colored tips are reflected inside my eyes ---- Is it because she starts to feel cold while was.h.i.+ng me? Because those two parts of her seems to get harder than usual in my eyes.
“Well then…… I will take on your favor young master”
“Y-Yeah…… if it felt ticklish say it to me okay”
I wring a wet towel and use it to scrub Suu-san’s body. I scrub her back carefully as to not harm Suu-san’s white delicate skin. Even if my hand reach now is still short, if Suu-san is sitting down then I won’t have any problem reaching her whole back.
The bath chair is just a simple wooden plank with chair legs added to it. Now the problem is, what will happen if someone sits their b.u.t.t on that wooden plank? …… Well I have checked it with my eyes once when I wash mother’s back. When plump things sit on that wooden plank, it will change it shape to adapt to the flat wooden plank with a gyuu sound effects. When I saw such phenomenon, it made me think that maybe I focus too much on women breast that I fail to recognize other important things.
“Nnn…… Young master, it is a little bit ticklish”
“A! I-I’m sorry…… I will be more careful. Let me finish was.h.i.+ng your back Suu-san”
She seems to be weak in her waist area for her to reacts like that even when I wash her normally. She doesn’t usually give such expression so my heart beating a little bit faster seeing it.
Her waist curves draw a perfect china vase. Is it because she wears corset everyday that her waist becomes this perfectly shaped? Added to the perfectly shaped hips, she also has this plump meaty b.u.t.t. If this was earth, she is definitely a high quality super model material. Is there any job similar to that in Eternal Magia I wonder?
When I handed the was.h.i.+ng towel to her, she starts was.h.i.+ng her own breast herself. I hesitated to keep watching at her so I just start stare off at the ceiling to kill time ---- and suddenly.
“…… Young master, there is one thing that I wish to tell”
“E? …….”
After saying it, Suu-san keeps her silence for quite awhile. She just silently continues was.h.i.+ng herself. When she finished was.h.i.+ng herself, I draw the hot water with a bucket to wash her off from her shoulder. And with that, Suu-san turns her head to look straight at me. Her eyes gives off a feeling of sincerity like never before.
“The truth is…… I, I am actually not just a simple maid. But it is true that I came from the guild”
“D-does that mean…… that Suu-san had been deceiving my mother this entire time…… that can’t be like that right? I don’t think Suu-san is such a bad people like that”
“Hearing that from young master made my heart at ease. But in truth, besides my duty as a maid, I also have other purposes for coming to this house…… And I can’t easily declares whether that purposes would become a good thing for Madam and also for you, young master Hiroto”
“…… If it was for me, as long as you don’t mean to bring harm to my family, then I am alright with it”
It was only for just a short time but I have seen how she usually works. She is so dedicated with her work as a maid even if it was not her main purpose for coming here. She deserves my mother trust because of her diligence in work.
But at the same time, I also got curious with her. She wears a piece of equipment that negated my [charisma] just like the mask that no name-san wears. If she is just the usual maid, why would she wear such a high spec equipment? It was something that had bothering me for quite a while.
(Ah, that’s right…… the same thing also happened to Filianes-san. And the reason is because she had to unequip her equipment when entering the bath……!)
This is maybe the last chance. With that in mind, Hiroto is no longer hesitates. Suu-san’s status that had always been a mystery is now accessible! Without any further ado, he immediately operates the menu to display her status ---- and then.
(Agent…… So maid is a fake job that is used as a mask to infiltrate our house and Agent is the true job…… And this Enforcer skill… isn’t it just make her look more like an for goodness sake! ……)
50 points for Knife Mastery ---- that is not a number that can be achieved by just half a.s.sed effort. Knife had a short attack range and the damage is also small. Using it at the early stages is quite troublesome but people say that when Bladestorm is acquired, the difference is just like seeing a whole new world! When this skill is used, it will attack any enemy inside its attack range randomly ranging from 7 to 12 attacks in total each time. If used carefully, you can have a chance to attack 1 enemy up to 12 times in one go! That powerful skill has both the roman (novelty?) and high usability making it a popular choice among the player.
With this as example, it made me think that maybe the more difficult to raise the skill at the early stage means that the skill will evolve radically from a useless skill into a G.o.dlike skill. It was also applicable to my negotiation skill. Raising it to level 79 was a real suffering and it only gives a few and not so useful skills but once it reach level 80, the once useless skill turned the table extremely and become G.o.dlike.
I suddenly started to think deeply about the principle of learning skill but remembering my situation now, this is definitely not the time for such thought. The important thing now is that the fact that one with such-hard-to-raise-at-early-stage skill has come to my house. ---- And equipped with such skill, what intention does she have toward my family? The only thing that I can imagine from the skill is… If that’s the case… mom and dad are in danger!
But I know she don’t have that kind of dangerous intention toward my family. She must have her own reason for it. If her purpose is really for then she should have already started her act at the moment she managed to infiltrate the house. But she didn’t do anything and keep on working as a maid diligently until today and will return to the guild tomorrow.
“…… I am actually works as an observer for the guild. My job mainly is to monitor the adventurers who are registered with the guild to check whether they do any conduct that would break the kingdom’s law or the guild’s rule and to deliver punishment to those who do such things. But our job is not limited to that only. Aside from that, ‘we’ also have one other important duty. Do you understand my explanation this far?”
“Yes. But why did Suu-san who has such kind of work becomes a maid like this? ......”
She didn’t answer my question and just silently stands up. And with a stream like smooth movement she takes off the towel that wraps up her waist. Her movement is so natural that even I can’t predict that. With a naked body suddenly appears before me, my head stops functioning for a while. Suu-san then lift up me, who are still dazed by the sudden happening, and enter the tub together with me in her arms. It seems that she is worried that I would catch cold if we keep on talking like that.
In the tub, Suu-san hugs me up from behind. In both my shoulders, two soft something are touching it but the owner of that two something seems to not minding of it at all ---- With only 20 points in Maternity skill to have a great pair like this, it seems that those are naturally big to begin with that it even surpa.s.s the buff given by the skill.
“Maid is the outside appearance that I use to cover my real occupation. The one who work as the observer for the guild, ‘agent’, have to experience many kinds of other occupation in order to fulfill their duty smoothly”
“…… Then Suu-san only act as a maid, is that right?“
“…… It was my intention before. But in this house, there is an unpredictable happening occurred. And that unpredictable happening is you, young master”
“Eh? Me?”
If I try to move my body, the sensation that I feel in my back become even more vivid so I stay still without trying to turn around to look at Suu-san’s expression. But even without looking at her expression, I can feel it from the way she says ‘unpredictable happening’ that she doesn’t mean anything bad with it.
“Because young master was going out with Monika-san today, I also got the chance to go outside for a while. Before I continue I want young master to forgive me for I have witnessed the full story of everything that was happened today”
“Eh……Suu-san was observing us all day today……?”
“Yes. When I witnessed young master went to the forest with girls that is far older than young master, I unexpectedly feel worried about it, but that worry end up as only a needless anxiety. When the monsters show up, I was lost whether I should come out from hiding to help young master fight the monsters or not. But young master was not only command young master’s party perfectly to bring down the monster but also help the other party from their plight. I can’t even grasp the situation and dumbfounded for quite a while seeing that situation and only understand one thing clearly, that young master is an axe user. In my eyes, young master skill is still being the one used by the axe not the other way around but the fact that young master managed to defeat a monster won’t change”
Suu-san talks about the facts that she saw today with an indifferent tone. She don’t scold me for fighting against a monster, in fact, her opinion about me seems to be rising because of it.
“I also start training since childhood but the first time I subjugated a monster is when I was five. In comparison, young master was able to do so even when young master is still one years old…… Even adding to the fact that young master is the son of the kingdom greatest axe knight Ricardo-sama, young master’s growth is abnormally fast……”
“S-so you must think that I was weird right…… I’m sorry, but that is because……”
“Young master must have some kind of secret behind this right? The secret behind how young master manage to grow both in body and mind abnormally fast like this. But I won’t delve in further with young master’s secret. I just hope that young master can keep on growing in the good direction like this and manage to master that power. If young master manage to master that power, no matter what troubles that might come after this, young master will surely be able to overcome them all. This is what I wish to believe”
Suu-san suddenly talks about something unexpected. [Troubles that might come after this]… I can only feel bad premonition from this word ---- and then I finally understand the reason why Suu-san comes to our house.
There is a high probability that she knows father is the guardian of the devil sword. And it was from a source that is different from Filianes-san it seems. She must be dispatched here to check out the condition here.
But that is still a probability. I think it is already alright to ask such question to Suu-san so I directly ask her what her purposes were.
“Suu-san, did you come here to check on my father? Or maybe to check on mother?”
“Both…… is the most that I can say. Young master might already know about this but Remilia-sama is a n.o.ble that was born from a high leveled n.o.ble bloodline. There are no sign of struggle between madam and the main family but even still, she is still concerned about the safeties of young master’s and master Ricardo’s. For things related to that, I think madam will tell young master directly about it in the near future”
“So I won’t know anything for now right?......”
“Yes. Did young master wanted to meet young master’s grandfather and grandmother?”
“No. If mother let me see them then I want to meet them. But I also think there is a need for me to meet them for the present time”
“…… Young master really is kind. But I must warn young master to not make madam worry too much about young master’s safety. I know it was out of place for me to say it, please forgive me young master”
I don’t even consider that out of place even more so, after talking frankly to her like this, I kinda feel guilty for even doubting her for a second there. Even if she is in truth the observer sent by the guild, that fact is irrelevant to the fact how much she really cares to my family from the depth of her heart.
When I did those ridiculous things, she should be thinking of stopping me right? But against her who can’t say stop to my recklessness, I become spoiled by it and want to ask her to help me an even more ridiculous thing to do.
That expression on Jester and Hugo’s face when they asked no name-san for a drink together… that expression is up to no good. Realizing that and still doing nothing to it made my heart feel restless. I definitely can’t sleep well tonight if I just let it pa.s.s.
“Um…… Suu-san”
“…… Is there anything that young master would request from me? I somehow able to guess from young master voice”
“Err…… I’m sorry”
“No, there is no need for young master to feel sorry. Is there something wrong young master? Please don’t feel too restricted in front of me and just tell me your request young master”
She was in fact an agent but now, she is a completely dedicated faithful maid. Pro really is great, but it might be only because men are a living being that is weak in front of a maid, anyway she really manages to catch my heart completely with that.
“Yes. One of those people even pulled young master into deserted place and was trying to seduce young master right? I can’t decide whether I should go out from my hiding to try stopping that girl or not. But thankfully because Wendy-san sudden appearance, I decided to stay”
“I-I’m sorry, Hilmelda-san don’t have any ill intention so I think it’s alright. At first she seems to be difficult to approach but she is actually a pretty good girl you know?”
“…… Young master is being deceived. That kind of girl only excels at deceiving men in order to fulfill their own egoistical wish. To think that she looks at young master, who are still only one years old, with those l.u.s.tful eyes…… I definitely can’t forgive her. As expected I need to give her a bit punishment as the representation of madam Remilia……”
“Wa! N-No! I don’t mean that! Suu-san that is not the problem……”
Seems like she doesn’t think highly of Hilmelda-san, no maybe it was even a feeling of hate? Suu-san’s voice sounds a bit scarier than usual. In panic, I reflexively turn around my head to see her straight in the eyes. Realizing her true feeling seeping out, she gave out a small ‘ah!’ and regains her usual cool.
“…… I beg your pardon young master, I’m sorry for being impertinent. She is already a splendid friend of young master now right? It’s not like I approve her of being one thought……”
“Err-right…… Hilmelda-san is my friend but I’m more concerned to the other one that called no name-san. She planned to have a drinking celebration with the member of the party she a.s.sociated with. But those people doesn’t seems to be good people so I was worried”
“Ah…… so it really is about Jester and Hugo right? Those two bad conducts really is causing many troubles. There are even complains coming to the guild because of those two. Their modus operandi was usually to become parasite to any female adventurer who is quite skilled, and even resort to forceful method to keep that relations.h.i.+p. There are many female adventurers who can no longer leave Mizelle because of them. The latest news I heard about them is that they had joined a new party in the capital city and working earnestly there”
(Forcefully become parasite? ...... Seems like my intuition hit home. Those guys have already been dirtbags from a long time before……!)
I can feel my heart suddenly beats even faster than usual. From hearing the word ‘forceful method’ I already can’t keep my cool any longer. Even if they are weaklings with low level and weak skills, they are indeed a guy. If they successfully get no name-san and Hilmelda-san drunk then their chast.i.ty is at danger……!
“In my personal opinion, this is the kind of story that I don’t want young master to hear but, having a girl that have reached adulthood as a party member also indirectly means that the other party member have to protect that girl from any harm. And that rules even apply to young master even though young master is still an infant like this. I hope young master will always keep this indirect rule in heart”
“Yes. I understand. Even though I small, I am also a member of the party. It has no relation whatsoever with one’s age. If I just close my eyes and think that problem is not my problem then we can never be true friend ever……”
“You really are blessed with good colleagues, young master. Wendy-san is a diligent girl, she should grow up into a great knight in the future. Monica-san archery skill is also quite high. I feel that young master will depend on her a lot from now on”
Even when Suu-san only praises my party member, I feel happy for it as if I was the one who receive the praise.
But rather than that, the important thing now is saving no name-san. Suu-san also seems to understand that. She immediately hugs me and lift me up from the bath tub.
“I also worried about those two girls. If Jester and Hugo really meant to create more problem again then the order to punish them should comes out immediately. Those guys had already committed serious rule violation today. The first one is that they escaped from battle deserting their party member leaving them in danger. And if they really mean any harm to their party member for the sake of their own self gain then their license as adventurer would be revoked and will receive punishment in accordingly to their crimes”
“Yes…… If nothing happened then it would be for the best but... Suu-san, will you help me?”
When he ask Suu-san about it, She only gives back a light smile. She seems so humanlike with that smile. That expression might be a faulty one as she IS a human but the smile she displays now is a smile that naturally comes out normally from any girl her age. The kind of smile that rarely shown from her expressionless face.
“Then I will ask to master and madam to have a bit night walk together with young master. Is there any problem with that young master?”
“No. Definitely not! Then with it settled let's hurry and go out before the night becomes too late Suzanne-san!”
“…… From where did you know about my name? Well it doesn’t really matter but please keep calling me with the name ’Suu’. Because I don’t even tell madam about the name ‘Suzanne’ so just to keep it safe”
“A…… I-I’m sorry. Seems like I reflexively said the wrong thing… aha… ha ha ha……”
“Young master really is someone who can’t be make light of. Young master really made me started to wanting to observe young master growth from somewhere up close which I can’t. But as I am attached to the adventurer guild of Junegan kingdom, there are definitely chances for us to meet again somewhere in the future. Well, there is also a chance that when young master grow up, he might already forgot me by that time”
I think that the chances of me forgetting about her are close to zero. Once she leaves the house, I don’t know when we'll meet again but ---- if I were to meet again with her, I will definitely remember. If you ask why then it was because I perfectly remember about the person who gives me skill just as much as remembering the person from whom I failed to receive skill from. IYKWIM.
Chapter 10.5 – Secret Story – a.s.sembling Party Part 4 Side C
Suu-san then tells my parent that she wants to have a night stroll together with me. Mother and Father think of it as Suu’s way to create her last memories with me so they allowed it with the condition of not bringing me too far. Well, for our true purpose in going out, we can’t abide that condition but it can’t be helped. Suu-san is also stronger than father in term of fighting ability so there should be no worries… is also not a very good excuses to make anyway.
The place where Nameless-san and the other are drinking, [The Red Rose Pavilion], is located in the back alley of the main street in the market. It has a large signboard outside so it is quite easy to find. But when we found the signboard, Suu-san suddenly hold me up and carry me to hide under the cover of darkness and erasing her presence from the surrounding.
“As we have guessed…… Jester and Yugo really intend to commit a crime”
“!!!...... Those big sisters are in danger! Suu-san……!”
Jester and Yugo who are just getting out from [The Red Rose Pavilion] can be seen carrying a person in their shoulder. The one Jester carry is Hilmerda-san while Yugo carry Nameless-san. The two girls seem to be unconscious. Nameless-san boasted about her high resistance towards alcohol so she should not be knocked out from being drunk that easily ---- that means.
“From the looks of it…… Young master, seems like those girls get drugged somehow”
“…… Suu-san, you must absolutely not lose their track. Tail them without getting detected”
“Yes…… let’s go. Young master, I feel a deep respect for your straight sense of justice. And my feelings toward those two guys are……”
Suu-san doesn’t let it out in words but her sub-zero gaze make it seems like enough to freeze the surrounding air.
If I’m not here, maybe she would just go and kill those two guys without much thought. That show how much Suu-san hate the crime that those two are about to commit.
“I don’t want Suu-san to dirty her own hand with the blood of those lowlifes. They should repent for their own sin for their own good”
“……I’m sorry for my impoliteness. To be this disordered in front of Young master like this…… And when I had already decided to definitely never show this embarra.s.sing side of mine to you, Young Master”
“It was a bit scary but, I can understand how mad Suu-san is right now and I find it charming somehow. Because I am also angry right now”
I was meaning to say that line in a light tone but upon hearing that, Suu-san’s eyes opened wide in surprise while fixed her gaze at me.
Even in this kind of dark alley where the only source of light is coming from the moon faint light, I feel like I can see that Suu-san’s cheek is reddens a bit.
“…… That word is to kind for me. That’s why I will treasure that word deep in my heart. Let’s go, Young Master!”
《Suu》 is using 「Sneaking」!
《Suu》 and your sense of presence is disappearing.
Thanks to Suu-san’s skill, we can infiltrate the inn where Jester and Hugo headed into without anyone noticing.
We move carefully so to not letting anyone detect us and head to the 2nd floor to the room where Jester and Hugo are. Suu-san the door which leads to the two guy room and instead opens a window in the hall, jump out from it, climb on the wall, and then stops in the inn’s roof. From there, she headed to the window that is connected to the room where Jester and Hugo are staying. When she found it, she peeks inside the room through the window ---- and what she sees inside is.
“Hah, they sleep like dead…… with this they won’t be able to wake up until tomorrow morning”
“If they didn’t it would mean trouble for us didn’t it, you stupid. If they wake up in the middle of the deed and made a ruckus, the guild will definitely catch us and cause many troublesome things to happen”
“When that time do happen we can just move out from Mizell. Or even better, we can go to the neighboring country too where no one know us”
“Women from another country does sounds delicious also. We have already become an adventurer so we must do everything we want and enjoy the most of it while we can”
In the two beds inside the room, Hilmelda-san and Nameless-san are laid on top of each bed unmoving. Those two guy are in the middle of taking off their own s.h.i.+rt which is about to be done. And then they will definitely continue undressing the unconscious girls’ dress next.
(…… I never thought that they are a total low life like this. I feel like even if I kill them here, n.o.body would complain about it)
“ I think we should kill them right here, right now for the best. But letting young master sees such a b.l.o.o.d.y scene is definitely bad for his educational situation… What should I do, young master?”
“U-umm…… I think talking about killing or not to kill is already an out for that”
F-forgive my impoliteness. But the present condition won’t give us much time to think. We have to act fast before it’s too late. We will start acting when those two starts touching the two girls body. Is there any plan in your mind, young master?”
While exchanging such blood thirsty dialogue, Suu-san anger got cooled down and she manages to regains her calm. This is also can prove how professional she is in this kind of work field. If it’s her, she definitely can beat those two guys even if she had her eyes closed and hands tied because even her kick is already overkill for them.
“Anyway can Suu-san leave this to me? I do have something in mind that I wanted to try”
“Understood, young master”
Inside the room, Hilmelda-san had gotten her outside leather armor undressed. And now a dagger is about to cut her cloth armor. But that is the end of line for this crime.
You have activates 「Charm」.
「Charm」 automatically activates! 《Jester》《Hugo》 had successfully resist it.
(So they manage to resist it eh? What lucky fellow…… Can’t be helped, let’s try another method)
You have summoned 《Josephine》!
I summon my slime and let it infiltrate inside the room. The slime that suddenly falls from the ceiling hit Jester directly who is about to touch Nameless’ breast.
“U-Uwaaaa! W-what the h.e.l.l is this! Where did it came from!?”
“Calm down Jester! Don’t make a fuss! People in the outside can hear!”
“---- We already heard it though. And don’t you even dare move a muscle. If you did, we will see it as hostile action and kill you on the spot”
When they are distracted by the slime sudden appearance and let out a loud scream, Suu-san sneak noiselessly into the room, held knife in both of her hands and point it out at both man neck. Who can guess that she hides knifes inside her skirt like that? Even I can’t,
“W-we only tried to help bringing back these ladies back into their room because they ask us for help, you know? And the thing that is now happening is just a private matter between us. You don’t have any rights to stop us for we are not in the wrong”
“T-that’s right…… We don’t do anything. To us who is [yet] to do anything and suddenly having ourselves pointed by knifes like this. Isn’t it you who are strange miss?”
“We can ask later to a pharmacist about what kind of drugs that those two girls had given to. He should be able to recognize what kind of drug it is was. So you two uncles, you can stop feigning ignorance like that”
I speak from the ceiling but those two guys can’t even look up to search for me.
“This voice… A kid!? Don’t tell me you are that brat who plays together with these girls here……!”
“---- You are not allowed to call my young master with that filthy mouth of yours you low lives!”
(T-that move…… that is submission right? To be able to perform submission by only one hand and to do it to two targets at the same time… that is simply amazing! It looks very hurt but well, they deserved it)
Suu-san twist both of Jester and Hugo’s hands with her hands still gripping on her knives making them unable to move under her submission technique. When they fall to the floor and writhe around in pain, I finally jump down from the ceiling and Suu-san briskly catches me.
“Young master, what should we do next? In my opinion, they need an extensive re-education to beat their character back up to shape…… how about it?”
“H-hiiiiii---- M-my bad! I’m in the wrong so forgive me! I won’t do anything to these girls and will get out from this town so please forgive me!”
“Please overlook our misdeed for this once! I have three hungry kids waiting at home for me! I even have my elderly mother whom I left there!”
Jester’s plea is… well… already bad as is but Hugo’s plea is straight the worst kind out there that even Suu-san twitched her eyebrow in displeasure.
“Hugo Mikestraw. Your origin is from the southern part of Junegan kingdom. No marriage history. You have been registered in the adventure guild for 8 years but still an F rank without trying to climb up to the higher rank. Your family compositions are just your father and older brother only. Is there any mistake in this data?”
“Gu…… W-why did you know about me……You bitc—no your excellency… perhaps you are the guild……!”
“I don’t see any need to answer your question. You are charged for endangering your party member life by making them bait to letting yourself escape from danger. And you are also charged for drugging and abducting your party member. I had witnessed it when you two commit both charges. Therefore, I will execute your punishment now”
“Y-you b.i.t.c.h! What can a girl do by hersel…… Ugya!”
Jester turns defiant and tries to resist by charging on Suu-san but he forgot about the slime. The slime entangles her body around Jester’s feet making him stumble at that instant.
Hugo also tries to attack Suu-san but she gracefully evades the attack and she strikes Hugo’s nape with a chop that successfully made him faint. She didn’t attack the stomach because Hugo was just a while ago drank alcohol. If she hit the ‘right’ spot, there will definitely be disaster unfold here.
“Young master, let me take care of the rest. They had done disgraceful things to the girls so I will also do the same for them. That is my policy when giving out punishment”
“Okay. Again, thank you for saving them”
“…… Such words are too much praise for me but you’re welcome young master. And then young master, what are you planning to do?”
“I will wait here to keep watch of them until one of them awakes. After that let’s go back home Suu-san”
“Understood. Well then, there is coincidentally a plaza nearby so I will head there. When I finished my job, I will return and take young master home. When the two awakes, please have them drink this”
Suu-san gives me a water bottle then politely bows. After that, she grabs the two guys by the nape and carry them like that just like when carrying filthy trash. Watching a slender girl like her lift those two guys body easily just like that is really surreal. But what will happen to them I wonder? Well let’s just ask Suu-san after this.
While waiting Nameless-san and Hilmelda-san waking up, I just sit up beside their bed and starts dozing off without being aware of it.
--------------------- becomes ----------.
(Nnn…… What happened……?)
I think I saw a log sprung out just now but my drowsiness reduces my awareness and the log just by like that.
“Un…… nnn……”
It was just right t