It was mid morning on this cool late winter day. The sky was clear and the sun shone brightly. The entire forest was illuminated under the intense light.
A huge clearing that was covered in knee tall gra.s.s spanned the area. Each blade was slightly damp from the remaining morning dew and the ground was soft from the days of rain that preceded it.
*Thunderous applause and cheering*
*Thunderous applause and cheering*
Now, without further adieu, ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE?!?!?!?!
*Thunderous applause and cheering*
(This was very amusing to type :P)
The two armies waited in antic.i.p.ation on opposite sides of the clearing. Both sides were waiting for the other to make their move.
Koryu split up the attack force into two divisions. They would alternate between fighting and resting. In addition, personnel would be shifted around to balance any losses.
At the front of the two forces, A and Koryu were staring each other down. As opposing commanders, they did their best to read each other's intentions. As expected, A was the first to lose his patience.
In that moment, he raised one arm, and then swung it downwards to point forward. With this, the ninjas began to charge. In response, Koryu gave a similar order to his men and the battle had begun.
As if an unspoken agreement had been made between the two sides, most of the elites stayed back to observe the battle before joining in. The clanging of metal and the booms of explosions could be heard. Within seconds, the battle was raging.
After a few minutes, the fighting had spread out and those watching from the sides had a clear view of where they needed to a.s.sist.
Before entering the battle, Nawaki sat down in the lotus position and meditated. He stretched out his senses and searched for something. After a few minutes, he found what he was looking for. A ma.s.sive chakra signature was moving towards the battlefield. It could be none other than's hachibi jinchuriki, Killer B.
Nawaki quickly weaved some hand signs, bit his thumb, spread some blood across his palm, and then slammed it into the ground as he yelled, "KUCHIYOSE NO JUTSU" (summoning).
A ma.s.sive cloud of smoke appeared. Once it cleared, a huge albino tiger with glowing blue eyes appeared. Nawaki jumped on top of it and said, "Zora, take me to the hachibi. I can tell you where it is if you can't find it."
Zora scoffed and said, "You underestimate me Nawaki dono. I can feel him clearly. I recommend you hold on to something."
As he said this, lightning chakra coated the tiger's body. Once it was covered, arcs of electricity shot off of Zora's body and into the ground around him. It looked very similar to the Raikage's lightning chakra mode.
Noticing that Zora was ready to go, Nawaki sat down and began his meditation to enter sage mode. He would need to be at full strength as he was about to take on the infamous Killer B. Once Zora felt that Nawaki was using chakra to stick to him, he took off with insane speed and acceleration.
The two flew through the battlefield in a blur of lightning. As they were approaching their target, Nawaki could see Koryu engaging A. Unruly A's speed was not something to take lightly. However, Koryu was able to keep up with him thanks to his mangekyou sharingan.
Zora and Nawaki sped through's forces. As Zora was running, he said, "Nawaki dono, the hachibi is right up ahead."
Hearing this, Nawaki opened his eyes. The olive green sage markings have covered his face and he was read. He sensed the ma.s.sive chakra of the biju and looked straight to Killer B.
As they approached, a group of ninja blocked the way. Nawaki turned to Zora and asked, "Would you mind disposing of them? I'll handle B."
Zora chuckled and said, "It would be my pleasure. Allow me to show you my powers." Zora inhaled deeply. As he did this, Nawaki could feel senjutsu energy flowing into Zora's lungs. He then said, "Senpo: Ranton Kouga" (sage art: storm release light fang).
(If you want to see what this actually looks like, search it up on youtube. Madara uses it in his battle with six paths naruto.)
As Zora exhaled, a concentrated purple laser shot out of his mouth at extreme speed. In an instant, he swept across the interfering ninja. In a flash, they were all sliced in two as their lifeless torsos fell to the floor. B somehow managed to dodge it. Most likely this was thanks to the hachibi telling him to drop to the ground.
Nawaki smirked and said, "Zora, that was crazy. If you wouldn't mind, use the rest of the time you have here to go and a.s.sist in the battle. I'll take over from here." Nawaki hopped off of Zora and unsheathed his sword.
Zora held his head high and mighty as he said, "That was nothing. Be safe Nawaki dono. A jinchuriki is nothing to play around with. I wish you luck. Farewell." He then took off and started taking down any ninja on his way to a.s.sist the Konoha forces.
B stepped forward and unsheathed two swords from his back. He stood tall and wore all white. He had blond hair and his forehead protector covered his hair. He had small black over his eyes. He wore the standard flak jacket and pants with no shirt underneath.
(I apologize in advance for the extremely s.h.i.tty and giga cringe rhymes.)
With a smug look on his face, he looked at Nawaki and said, "The eight tails is me, the cool Killer B. Now tell me what your name might be, bakayaro konoyaro."
Nawaki thought for a moment and replied, "Look at me, my name is Nawaki. From the Senju clan, I'm gonna fight you man."
In Nawaki's head there was suddenly an audible clap. Kensho had smacked his forehead in reaction to the cringe that just came out of Nawaki's mouth.
The two power houses stared each other down. On one side, the Senju with senjutsu enhanced wood release. On the other side, the hachibi jinchuriki. They could both tell that the other was quite formidable. As they locked eyes, a silent agreement was made. They would begin with a kenjutsu bout.
Nawaki grinned and nodded at B and he returned the nod. They both wanted to enjoy this duel before they'd have to get serious. Nawaki reached into his kunai pouch and revealed several of his hiraishin (flying raijin/thunder G.o.d) kunai. He scattered them as he threw them into the ground.
With the preparations complete, the two swordsmen sped forward. They met each other with a clash of swords. B met Nawaki's long sword with the sword in his right hand. As he parried the strike, he swung his left sword to slash across Nawaki's chest.
Nawaki loosened the grip on his sword and jumped to flip over B. He effectively escaped the parry and dodged the strike. As he landed, he stabbed his sword backwards towards B.
In a fluid motion, B turned and swung both his swords to parry Nawaki's strike. He then quickly stopped his right sword and swung it back towards Nawaki. Nawaki then spun around and parried the strike as he jumped backwards.
He looked to B and said, "How about we heat things up a bit?" He then channeled lightning chakra through his sword. B did the same and their exchanges became even faster.
From outside, their fight looked like a blur. The constant clangs of their swords and the flashes of light from the strikes lit up the area.
Every once in a while, there would be a flash and they would separate as Nawaki teleported to one of his kunai to avoid a swing. They would pause for just an instant before returning to their battle.
Nawaki was able to tell without a doubt that he was outmatched when it came to kenjutsu. Killer B truly deserved his name. Kensho then spoke up, "Not sure how long it'll take you to notice, but this battle is kinda getting out of hand. Stop being a dumba.s.s and get serious dude."
Nawaki scoffed and then thought, 'Come onnnnn. I'm having fun! Ughhhhh, alright. Let's end this.' As he finished that thought, a loud explosion rocked the battlefield. Nawaki turned and couldn't believe his eyes.
The fight between A and Koryu was at its peak. Koryu had activated his susanoo. His susanoo was a pale green and only the torso and head had materialized. It held a large glowing sword in its hand.
Half of the blade was currently in the ground and A stood next to it panting. He was clad in lightning chakra. Nawaki widened his eyes and said, "I think it's about time we get serious."
After saying this, Nawaki flashed to one of his kunai and sheathed his sword. B glanced over to the fight between Koryu and A and then looked back to Nawaki. He then said, "Indeed it is time to get serious, but in this fight I will be victorious, bakayaro, konoyaro!"
Nawaki smirked and then weaved through some hand signs and slammed his hand into the ground, "Mokuton: Mokujin no Jutsu." (Wood Golem) The ground shook as a gigantic wooden golem emerged from the ground. This one was by far the largest that he had created thus far. It stood at about 35 feet tall and towered over the battlefield.
Seeing this, B sheathed his swords and said, "Eighto, it's time to go!" Steam then began to rise off of his skin as a red cloak formed over him. The aura that he let off was stifling. As the chakra cloak covered his body, he let out a deafening roar that shook the ground.
Nawaki smiled and said, "Kensho, this should be fun. You ready?" Kensho laughed and said, "This is even better than the anime. f.u.c.k yeah I'm ready!"
In response to the jinchuriki's roar, the wooden dragon that is draped over the golem roared back as Nawaki yelled, "IKUZOOOOOO!" As he yelled, the wooden golem charged forward. As he did B flew forward at breakneck speed.
When they met in the middle, they both threw out a punch. As their fists met, a loud boom and huge shockwave exploded as the ground shook. Everyone that was fighting around them paused for a moment and looked on helplessly. Nawaki and B were on a different planet than them.
They couldn't even come close to displaying the same amount of destructive power. In the end, their contributions would not mean much. This battle would be decided by the two fights: Koryu VS A, and Nawaki VS B.
As their fists parted, another huge explosion echoed across the battlefield. Looking back to the battle between Koryu and A, it was getting even more intense. Koryu now has his full susanoo activated with its majestic attire. It was now holding two swords.
With each swing, a huge gash would be carved into the ground and debris would fly through the air. However, A was just too fast. He systematically dodged every attack, avoiding injury.
Nawaki started getting anxious. It was obvious that Koryu would not last much longer. Using the susanoo was very taxing. Especially upon closer examination, Nawaki could see a stream of blood coming down from his eyes. Koryu was reaching his limits. He had to end this fight and fast.
Nawaki quickly sent his wooden dragon at the jinchuriki. As the dragon was about to chomp down, B swatted it away. As he did, wood exploded off of the dragon and it slammed into the ground.
B then jumped back and started to ama.s.s chakra. Blue and red blobs of chakra started materializing. They flowed towards B's mouth and condensed into a dark purple sphere. It was none other than a tailed beast bomb.
Upon seeing this, all of the ninja scattered. Nawaki then yelled out, "RETREAT! PUT AS MUCH DISTANCE BETWEEN YOU AND THE HACHIBI AS POSSIBLE!"
As the tailed beast bomb was building up, Nawaki created some wooden beams to support the back side of his golem and burrowed them into the ground. He then formed countless wooden tendrils and created a huge wall in front of him.
While the wall was being formed, the tailed beast bomb finally finished forming and was shot at Nawaki. It flew through the air and smashed into the wall.
Wood shrapnel exploded through the air. Quickly, Nawaki formed a wooden dome to protect himself. Using his sensory abilities, he continued building the wall to block the tailed beast bomb.
The tailed beast bomb continued smashing through the wooden tendrils. However, it finally showed signs of slowing down. As it was coming to a stop, it exploded.
A bright glowing explosion expanded outwards and consumed the wooden tendrils. Fortunately, plot armor prevented the explosion from consuming Nawaki so he was safe. Once it subsided, Nawaki unfurled the wooden dome and looked out over the resulting destruction.